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Top Etsy Seller Successful by Dressing Animals in Suits and Dresses- Odd…but Fun!

I often check in at Craftcount for inspiration. I want to know what the TOP SELLERS are selling that is making them so successful. . Today, I am sharing one of the TOP TEN in the Homemade division, “berkleyillustration“. These works of art are very odd, but apparently endearing enough to generate 25,092 sales. Yeah, I’ll draw pigs in suits, if it will make me rich, wouldn’t you? And secretly, I really DO enjoy these characters…there’s a cow in a dress that reminds me of my grandmother- in a good way.
Since we’ve been on the subject of PANDAS, I’ve included a panda in a suit, for your viewing pleasure.

Now, I’m off to enjoy the Keizer Iris Festival parade and carnival. This is my town’s yearly slice of Americana, and our family loves it…can’t wait to put my ten year olds on a ride that spins them around until they throw up (oh, after eating hotdogs and cotton candy)- what could be more fun than that?