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Sneak Peek of my New Art Series- Time for Color!

Its a beautiful, sunny day here in Oregon, and I went back to my easel today. It just doesn’t get better than this! The inspiration for a new infinite series of art pieces has been ruthlessly tugging at me for about a month now, and with the Pandas behind me, I was able to get started.
I sketched out my first drawing, which I am sharing with you, and so far, I’m loving it!

In short, my general concept is not a new one- do simple artworks around sayings, momisms, and especially the CRAZY things that happen around my own family. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I’m living in a sit-com 🙂

One of my favorite exclamations is ” I never thought, as a parent, I’d have to say THAT!”, as in, “Jordan, honey, please don’t put the DOG in your PANTS…” . My own personal momisms, combined with my daughter, Jennifer’s, own library of momisms (She has 3 sons and a daughter), should keep me busy indefinitely. I always told Jen that she should write a book- that her life was too funny (well, for those of us who aren’t actually responsible for what happens), and she owed it to the world to write it down. Of course, that’s impossible because she’s too busy just keeping the kids safe from themselves. But this stuff is too good to lose to time and senility, so I will share it with the world through my artwork. I am so excited!

My first work of art, is a saying that I have over my own computer :” Eat That Elephant One Bite At A Time.” Remembering to do this has served me well. Likewise, the way you change your life is one thought at a time, because you control the doorway to your mind. That is our philosophy lesson for the day, folks.

I’m too excited to get to work to sit here and write, so I will leave you with the first pictures of my artwork to ponder. I chose the general colors (possibly my most favorite part of the process!), and they are nestled next to the sketch. I look forward to sharing more with you very soon. Have a wonderful day, and I hope my enthusiasm sets off a spark in you today as well.

Want to see more of my art? Check out Elizabeth Marshall Gallery of Fine Art to see my series of beautiful, bright oil pastel paintings!